City of Kirkland

Planning and Building Department


Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that the Southern Salish Sea region lies on the unceded and ancestral land of the Coast
Salish peoples, the Duwamish, Muckleshoot, Puyallup, Skykomish, Snoqualmie, Snohomish, Suquamish and
Tulalip tribes and other tribes of the Puget Sound Salish people, and that present-day City of Kirkland
is in the traditional heartland of the Lake People and the River People. We honor with gratitude the land itself, the 

First People – who have reserved treaty rights and continue to live here since time

immemorial – and their ancestral heritage.


Vision Statement
Kirkland is one of the most livable cities in America. We are a vibrant, attractive, green

and welcoming place to live, work and play. Civic engagement, innovation and diversity are highly

valued. We are respectful, fair and inclusive. We honor our rich heritage while embracing

the future. Kirkland strives to be a model, sustainable city that values preserving and

enhancing our natural environment for our enjoyment and future generations.


123 Fifth Avenue, Kirkland, Washington 98033-6189    425-587-3600    TTY Relay Service 711


Kirkland Planning Commission




Regular Meeting - Hybrid

Council Chamber and Virtual
Thursday, August 22, 2024

6:00 PM


To join the meeting via Zoom:

Passcode: 047168

Webinar ID: 843 4603 9816


To join via telephone:   +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) US

To provide public comment in advance of the meeting please email  [email protected].


If you have questions about an item on the agenda, please contact the project planner listed below.


This meeting packet is also available online on the Planning and Building Department webpage:


Special Note for August 22, 2024, Public Testimony

In order to hear from as many people as possible at the August 22, 2024 Comprehensive Plan public hearing, the Chair of the Planning Commission intends to authorize any individual wishing to provide oral comments to speak for a maximum of 2 minutes, rather than the typical 3 minutes. Written comments are also welcome and may be provided until the beginning of the meeting. Written comments can be emailed to [email protected] and will be received by all Planning Commissioners. 



Call to Order



Roll Call



Comments From the Audience




Special Presentations






Study Session



Public Hearings



2044 Comprehensive Plan Continued Public Hearing: Market Street Corridor Plan and Land Use Element, File No. CAM22-00032

Purpose: Receive written public testimony until August 22, 2024, and continue the public hearings for the following Comprehensive Plan elements:

Market Street Corridor Plan

Land Use Element


The PC and community should note that the record remains open for written testimony to be submitted until the PC begins deliberations, and spoken testimony will also be received during the August 22 PC meeting.

Action: During the continued public hearing, the Planning Commission (PC) should deliberate and make a recommendation to City Council (Council) for each element or chapter.

Staff Contact: LeAndra Baker-Lewis, Senior Planner, [email protected]

Allison Zike, AICP, Deputy Planning Director, [email protected]

Adam Weinstein, AICP, Planning & Building Director, [email protected]



Reading and / or Approval of Minutes



Administrative Reports and Planning Commission Discussion



Public Meeting Calendar Update



Comments From the Audience










Note:  If you would like more information on an item on this agenda, please call the Planning & Building Department at 425-587-3600.  Please refer to the file number and planner listed for that item.  


For more information on the Planning and Building Department public comment and rules and procedure, visit our Public Comments and Rules of Procedures webpage.




To request information from this document in English, please contact the Title VI Coordinator at

[email protected] or 425-587-3831.


Chinese, simplified:

如需此文件中信息的简体中文 版本,请发送电子邮件至 [email protected] 拨打

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Раздела VI по электронной почте [email protected] или по номеру 425-587-3831.



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escribiendo a [email protected] o llamando al 425-587-3831.



Para solicitar informações deste documento em português, entre em contato com o Coordenador do

Título VI em [email protected] ou 425-587-3831.



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Title VI: Kirkland’s policy is to fully comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by prohibiting discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the provision of benefits and services resulting from its programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with the City. To request an alternate format, file a complaint or for questions about Kirkland’s Title VI Program, contact the Title VI Coordinator at 425-587-3831 (TTY Relay: 711) or [email protected].